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[참조]계급과 문화 주요 연구 목록

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`계급과 문화` 관련 연구 목록입니다!! 계급과 문화 개괄 * Gamble, Andrew, David Marsh & Tony Tant(eds)(1999). Marxism and Social Science. (London: Macmillan Press). - 7. Jim Johnston & David P. Dolowitz, "Marxism and social class", 129-151. - 8. Colin Hay, "Marxism and the state", 152-174. - 10. Charlie McMahon, "Marxism and culture", 195-216. (참조) 15. Neil Robinson, "Marxism, communism and post-communism", 302-319. (참조) 1. Andrew Gamble, "Why bother with Marxism?", 1-8. (참조) 16. David Marsh, "Resurrecting Marxism", 320-340. 노동계급 계급형성 * Offe, Claus & Helmut Wiesenthal (1980), "Two Logics of Collective Action: Theoretical notes on social class and organizational form", Maurice Zeitlin (ed), Political Power and Social Theory, Volume 1. pp. 67-116. * (참조) Przeworski(1985), 제2장, "Proletariat into a Class: The Process of Class Formation", 47-98. * (참조) 조돈문, 제3세계 노동계급 계급형성, 한국과 멕시코 비교. 계급타협, 계급의식 * Wright, Erik Olin(2000), "Working Class Power, Capitalist Class Interests, and Class Compromise", American Journal of Sociology, 105:4. 957-1002. * Pahl, R.E. & C.D. Wallace(1988), "Neither angels in marble nor rebels in red: privatization and working-class consciousness", in Rose(1998), 127-152. * (참조) Marshall, Gordon(1988), "Some remarks on the study of working-class consciousness", in Rose(1988), 98-126. 그람시(Gramsci) #1. * Carnoy, Martin(1984). The State and Political Theory. (Princeton: Princeton Univ.). "Gramsci and the state". 65-88. * Sassoon, Anne Showstack(1982). Approaches to Gramsci. (London: Writers and Readers Pub.). - Sassoon, Anne Showstack, "Hegemony, war of position and political intervention". 94-115. * (참조) Buci-Glucksmann, "Hegemony and consent", in Sassoon ed(1982). 116-126. * (참조) Carnoy, Martin(1984). The State and Political Theory. (Princeton: Princeton Univ.). "Marx, Engels, and the State". 44-64. 그람시(Gramsci) #2. * Gramsci, Antonio (1971). Selections from the Prison Notebooks. (N.Y.: International Publishers). - "the modern prince", 123-205. (참조) “the intellectuals", 3-14. 그람시(Gramsci) #3. * Gramsci, Antonio (1971). Selections from the Prison Notebooks. (N.Y.: International Publishers). - "the state and civil society", 206-276. 알튀세르(Althusser): 국가와 계급지배 * Althusser, Louis (1971). "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses" in Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays. (N.Y.: Monthly Review). 127-188. 터본(Therborn): 지배계급과 이데올로기 * Therborn, Göran (1980). The Power of Ideology and the Ideology of Power. (London: Verso). 1-133. 계급과 문화 #1 * Eder, Klaus(1993). The New Politics of Class: Social movements and cultural dynamics in advanced societies. (London: Sage). - 4. "Culture and class: Bourdieu's culturalist refraction of the traditional theory of class", 63-80. - 5. "The cognitive representations of social inequality: A sociological account of the cultural basis of modern class society". 81-100. * (참조) Jenkins, Richard(1992). Pierre Bourdieu. (London: Routledge). 4, "Practice, habitus and field", 66-102; 6, "Culture, status and distinction", 128-151. 계급과 문화 #2(11.17) * Rupp, Jan C.C.(1997), "Rethinking cultural and economic capital", John Hall(ed), Reworking Class, (Ithaca: Cornell University). 221-242. * Katz-Gerro, Tally(2002), "Highbrow cultural consumption and class distinction in Italy, Israel, West Germany, Sweden, and the United States", Social Forces, 81:1 (September). 207-229. * (참조) Tomlinson, Mark(2003), "Lifestyle and social class", European Sociological Review, 19:1. 97-111. * (참조) Holt, Douglas B,(1998), "Does cultural capital structure American consumption", Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 25 (June). 1-25. 노동계급과 문화 * Sotillo, Susana M. & Dana Staracenastasi(1999), "Political discourse of a working-class town", Discourse & Society, 10:2 (April). 249-276. * Schiff, Frederick(1996), "The dominant ideology and Brazilian tabloids: news content in class-targeted newspapers", Sociological Perspectives, 39:1 (Spring). 175-206. (참조) Klubock, Thomas Miller(1996), "Working-class masculinity, middle-class morality, and labor politics in the Chilean copper mines", Journal of Social History, 30:2 (Winter). 435-464. (참조) Deery, Stephen & Janet Walsh(1999), "The decline of collectivism? A comparative study of white-collar employees in Britain and Austraia", British Journal of Industrial Relations, 37:2 (June). 245-269. 계급과 이질성 * Wacquant, Loïc(2000), "Logics of urban polarization: the view from below", in Rosemary Crompton et al(eds)(2000), Renewing Class Analysis, (Oxford: Blackwell). 107-119. * MacDonald, Robert & Jane Marsh(2000), "Employment, unemployment and social polarization: young people and cyclical transitions", in Rosemary Crompton et al(eds)(2000), Renewing Class Analysis, (Oxford: Blackwell). 120-140. * (참조) Edwards, Paul(2000), "Late twentieth century workplace relations: class struggle without classes", in Rosemary Crompton et al(eds)(2000), Renewing Class Analysis, (Oxford: Blackwell). 141-164. sense of justice & class voting * Nieuwbeerta, Paul & Wout Ultee(1999), "Class voting in Western industrialized countries, 1945-1990: systematizing and testing explanations", European Journal of Political Research, 35:1 (Jan.). 123-160. * Listhaug, Ola & Toril Aalberg(1999), "Comparative public opinion on distributive justice: a study of equality ideals and attitudes toward current policics", International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 40:1 (Feb.).117-140. * (참조) Jasso, Guillermina & Bernd Wegener(1999), "Gender and country differences in the sense of justice: justice evaluation, gender earnings gap, and earnings functions in thirteen countries", International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 40:1 (Feb.). * (참조) Kelley, Robin D.G.(1997), "Identity politics & class struggle", New Politics, #22 (Winter). 84-96. 계급과 체제이행 * Mateju, Peter(1999), "Who votes left after the fall of communism", International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 40:1 (Feb.). 13-40. * Kluegel, James R. & David S. Mason(1999), "Political involvement in transition: who participated in Central and Eastern Europe?" International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 40:1 (Feb.). 41-60. * (참조) Fuller, Linda(1998), "The socialist labour process, the working class, and revolution in the German Democratic Republic", Europe-Asia Studies, 50:3 (May). 469-492. * (참조) Chiu, Randy K. & Frederick A. Kosinski, Jr.(1999), "The role of affective dispositions in job satisfaction and work strain: comparing collectivist and individualist societies", International Journal of Psychology, 34:1. 19-28.