‘몽골 산별 직무급’ 컨설팅 연구


‘몽골 산별 직무급’ 컨설팅 연구

정애경 585 2018.09.03 02:53
저자 : 노광표,이종수
발주처 : ILO 중국/몽골
연도 : 2016
Understanding Current Issues on Wage

Ⅰ. What is wage?
Ⅱ. Overview of the wage system
Ⅲ. Legislation on the wage system
Ⅳ. Statistics on the wage system
Ⅴ. Modes and procedures of wage bargaining

Wage System: Job-based and Skill-based Pay

Ⅰ. Understanding Job-based Pay
Ⅱ. Understanding Skill-based Pay
Ⅲ. South Korean Cases of Wage System
Ⅳ. Wage Structures in Selected Advanced Countries